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לז”נ חי׳ טייכמאן ע״ה| לז״נ יוסף צוקר זצ״ל

The memories of R’ Yosef Zucker זצ״ל and Chaya Teichman ע״ה live on through the dedication of our Bikur Cholim volunteers. Your generosity and personal involvement will help us continue this noble work.

Flatbush Bikur Cholim

Providing care and compassion throughout the year

Our volunteers give of themselves to help others

What do we at Flatbush Bikur Cholim Nefesh Chaya Tiferes Yosef do?

  • Driving to doctors and hospitals
  • Visiting patients in hospitals
  • Visiting home bound
  • Visiting nursing homes
  • Preparing meals for temporarily disabled home makers
  • Gemach for invalid equipment

For more information, please call 718-377-1261

-We drive patients to doctors and hospitals: Volunteers support patients in times of need. Patients who use this service feel a sense of independence. They feel less anxious about the trip and their treatment. Many doctors have reported that their patients arrive on time and with a relaxed disposition.  
Volunteer Driver
We Visit Patients
-We visit patients in hospitals. Volunteers are of upmost importance in the hospital system today. They assist with patients’ needs, allowing the doctors and nurses to provide necessary medical attention without distraction.
-We visit the home bound. Bikur Cholim is the Hebrew term for visiting the sick. People who feel needy, ill, or isolayed enjoy a visit from a bikur cholim volunteer. This allows the homebound to maintain a connection with the outside world.
Visit Home Bound
-We visit nursing homes. Volunteers and residents forge a special bond through frequent visits. This helps the residents feel less isolated.